
TPD Compliance

TPD Compliance

All products sold on JustVapeShop fully comply with TPD regulations. Learn more below about what TPD regulations are and what they mean for vapers.

What Is TPD?

TPD stands for Tobacco Products Directive (Tobacco Products Directive 2014/14/EU), an initiative created by the EU to regulate tobacco products, their advertising, and how they can be sold to consumers. The principle behind TPD is to increase health protection and awareness surrounding tobacco products. TPD covers every aspect of tobacco production and retail, from their manufacture and sale to packaging and advertising.

TPD applies to all tobacco products, including rolling tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, as well as vaping technology and e-liquids. The regulations ensure ingredients are tested before being sold to consumers and must be displayed on the packaging. TPD also regulates where people can use tobacco products and how they are taxed.

Why Does It Apply to Vaping?

Vaping products are classified as tobacco products because much of the nicotine used in e-liquid is distilled from the tobacco plant, which contains the highest concentration of nicotine. Even synthetic forms of nicotine fall under TPD regulations if they are intended for e-liquid products.

When Did It Come Into Effect?

The TPD was established in May 2014 and became law on 20th May 2016. This meant that any remaining non-compliant stock had to be sold before this date. As a result, some brands that were previously available may no longer be on shelves, and the way in which e-liquid is sold has changed.

What Are the Regulations/How Does It Affect Vaping?

There are several regulations, most of which affect the size of e-cigarette capacity and how e-liquid is sold. The main changes include:

  • E-cigarette tanks, including pod systems and disposable vapes, can only contain a maximum of 2ml of e-liquid.
  • The maximum bottle size of e-liquid containing nicotine is now 10ml.
  • The highest strength nicotine e-liquid available is 20mg (20mg of nicotine per millilitre of e-liquid), compared to up to 50mg in the US.
  • All nicotine-containing e-liquids must be packaged in child-resistant bottles.
  • Products cannot contain caffeine or taurine.
  • Packaging must indicate that the product contains nicotine and advertise that nicotine is an addictive substance.
  • All e-cigarettes and e-liquids must be submitted to the MHRA for approval before they can be sold.

What JustVapeShop Is Doing to Be Compliant

Since TPD came into effect, JustVapeShop has followed the guidelines to ensure total TPD compliance. All our tanks are under the 2ml maximum capacity, whether you’re buying a tank on its own or as part of a kit.

E-liquids containing nicotine are sold in 10ml maximum capacity bottles. If you’re looking for larger bottles that contain nicotine, you can use short fills instead. These are larger bottles of e-liquid mixed with a concentrated 10ml bottle of nicotine to create a low-dose nicotine strength.

All e-liquids produced by JustVapeShop have been submitted and notified to the MHRA for certification, all of which have passed and are declared TPD compliant.

None of the products on our website or in our stores contain taurine or caffeine. They are also diacetyl-free, an ingredient that has raised concerns about causing popcorn lung. All ingredients used in e-liquids are listed on their packaging, and all come with a nicotine warning.

If you’re new to vaping, many of these changes have been in place before you bought your first e-cigarette. If you have any questions regarding TPD or want to chat with our customer support team, you can do so on Facebook chat, live chat on our website, via email, or by giving us a call.

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